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Moving Forward in 2020

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

I’ve been thinking about this time as moving from one space to another. As you grow or change, moving into a different space or mindset that better suits where you are. This has been a time of asking myself how I want to move forward and what’s important to me.

Old studio space

At the top of my “what is important” list is people. That should come as no surprise if you’ve read the stories I put in my IG captions but it’s always good to refocus on my mission as a business owner. I love telling people's stories whether for a company or a publication or my own personal projects. I want to make sure I’m doing my best to move forward during this time as safely as possible, for my clients, my subjects, and my crew. To be confident I am doing my part, I have taken a Covid-19 safety course through Rightway Consulting. I also have built a diverse list of trusted professionals and resources during my fifteen years in this industry to reach out to when a job calls for it.

Testing the natural light in the new space with a self-portrait.

Recently, I also moved studio spaces. I moved out of our space on the OG Goat Farm site and into a new space in the Reynoldstown neighborhood of Atlanta. It’s hard to leave some spaces behind, but I like to think it pushes us forward into new opportunities. My first love is and always will be shooting on location but that doesn’t always fit the bill and I’m prepared for those scenarios. Just a few days ago I shot a round of Velveteen Rabbit portraits/stop motions in this space, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Whatever your next project may need, I hope you’ll reach out to my team and me. We’d love to show you what we have to offer.



215 Chester Ave

Atlanta, GA 30316 Mail: Tel: 770-906-5066

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